Inner Beauty

The society places a high degree of importance on the physical appearances or outward looks today. Billboards, movies, magazines and television all display attractive people. Many women now run to plastic surgeons to have different kinds of procedures done simply to enhance their appearances or looks. Our society is so obsessed with physical beauty in such a way that, many women are now caught up in that obsession.

My questions are:

  • Should the outer beauty be all that important to a woman?
  • Is the outer beauty something that a Christian woman should strive for?
  • What makes a woman truly beautiful?

To answer these questions, we must first carefully examine the meaning of inner beauty.

What is Inner Beauty?

Inner beauty is the characteristics and features that make a person beautiful on the inside. The inner beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. Outward beauty starts to fade as every girl progresses into a woman and advances into the old age. It is the inner beauty that does not fade. Inner beauty is like a radiance that makes a person to glow. It only shines out from within. It is a state of experiencing the wholeness of your human being in harmony and balance in the present moment. The inner beauty is experienced when one flows with one’s life’s purpose and true heart’s desire.

The Bible passages relevant to our topic are:  Proverbs 31 which says, “Who can find a virtuous woman for her worth is far above rubies. Psalms 45 says, “The king’s daughter is all glorious within.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Do not let your beauty be that of outward adorning of the arranging of the hair, of wearing gold, or of putting on of fine apparel; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.”

Based upon the above referenced scriptures, true beauty comes from within. The inner beauty of a woman is a very unique quality. Many women adorn themselves on the outward to make them look attractive. It’s quite surprising to discover that many women who claim to possess outer beauty do not possess the inner beauty. Have you ever come across a woman who appears beautiful on the outside, but her attitude exudes the opposite. Her conversations are full of negative attitudes; she talks rudely and uncultured. With such display, would you still term such a woman beautiful? Contrarily, take some women who does not look outwardly attractive, but they have amazing personalities that exudes confidence and respect. Their inner beauties surpasses the outward beauty.   

Charm is deceptive and physical beauty fades away, but there is something special about a person’s ageless inner beauty. There is nothing wrong with having an amazing outward looks or appearances. However, we should bear in mind that physical beauty fades away no matter how much we try to conceal or hide it through make-ups or costumes. Inner beauty has nothing to do with make-ups or material things that enhances the outward looks appearances.

A beautiful woman is not only admired for her outward look or appearance, but also for her inner qualities as well. There are many inner qualities that a woman must possess to classify her as being exceptionally beautiful.

For example, a woman should be kind and gracious. According to Proverbs chapter 11 verse 16, a gracious woman retains honor. Think about the women that you hold in high esteem, they are usually women who are caring, kind, gentle, thoughtful, and unselfish. They are the women that we look up to and remember.

Would you consider a woman with loose tongue as someone who is beautiful? A description of a woman that includes the word “but” is not fit to be called beautiful. For instance, she is amazingly gorgeous and beautiful, “but” she is deceptive, lacks cultured behaviour and irrationally unreasonable.  

When a person has a good sense of judgement, she is considered to be a person of inner beauty. Proverbs 11:22 says, a lovely woman who lacks discretion is compared to a ring of gold in a swine’s snout. A woman who is physically attractive, but lacks discretion has no real beauty or valuable worth. A sense of good judgment is needed in many areas of life such as decision making, dealing with others whether at work, home or in the society. We must also add moral issues, money matters, choices, and much more!

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the radiating pure and holy life of Christ exuding from her within. Dear Sisters, here is an important advice for you: never hesitate to allow the inner beauty that is hidden within your lives to shine through. It something that cannot be hidden — when you have or when you don’t have inner beauty, people can see through your life.

The great news about the issue of inner beauty is that you can train yourself to possess such trait, as you begin to come to realization that it is lacking in your life. I believe the LORD will give you the grace to attain it.

Inner beauty is essential and comes from a pure and holy life. It breaks forth as you live in obedience to the LORD and allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate His character in your life. (see Galatians 5:23). I must encourage you to invest in the inner beauty that lasts forever through Jesus Christ. Devote your life daily and prayerfully search the word of God continually!

All the adornments to make us beautiful on the outside are only temporal and will not last for long. Again, I challenge you to invest in nurturing your inner beauty by building a good relationship with the LORD — live a holy life and teach yourself how to relate well with other people around you. The people around you are those that have access to you and can easily know whether you are doing things right or wrong.

Finally, I want you to ask the LORD to show His beauty through your life today that His name may be glorified in your life.


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