Sex and Singles – Reasons to Wait

I want to begin this article by asking few important questions:

  • Do you know that it is ideal for every single to wait for sex?
  • Are you about to start a relationship, but unsure of how to handle the physical aspect?
  • Do you know that you can be in a relationship without having sex?
  • Do you know it is good to wait before adding sex to your relationship?

Sex is ordained by God to take place between married people. Sex, when done between two married people is a very beautiful aspect of marriage. God has made it so beautiful and blessed us with the ability to give and receive physical pleasure with the one we are married to. Sex takes a different meaning when we give ourselves to another person before marriage.

When I was much younger, it was a taboo to openly discuss sex with either friends or the opposite sex. Discussing sex with anyone was a big issue for me. But that has changed with the generation we are now. Sex is often confusing for people. It causes pressure to a new relationship and it doesn’t get easier as you grow older. However, for the sake of your relationship, sex should be discussed with your partner.

Today’s modern society supports adults who are not married to have sex when they want to. There are issues of one-night-stands where sex has happened and the young ones just see the acts as avenues to catch some fun.

Reasons to Wait for Sex

There are several reasons why every single person should wait until they are married before indulging in sex. Here are some of the essential key points you should consider when it comes to waiting for sex until after marriage:

  1. Lust and Fornication Are Sin. Sex outside marriage is called fornication. And fornication is flirting with lust.

Sex is more than having feelings or catching some fun. Because people see sex as a fun-feeling, they assume there is no hurt. This assessment could be very wrong! Sex before marriage even when the experience is enjoyable always hurts people in the end. Do you know that when you have multiple sexual partners, you are entering into soul-ties that could be extremely challenging to break free? You can read some of my previous articles on soul-ties to help you understand more about the dangers of sexual involvement with someone you are not in a marriage relationship.

God’s desire is for every single person — young and old to remain emotionally and sexually pure before marriage. Marriage is overly enjoyable when young couples go into marriage with such purity and anticipation for one another.

  1. Waiting helps to weed out the losers. There are some guys out there who are only interested in you because of sex. By making such a person wait will get rid of the ones with bad intentions or wrong sexual habits.
  2. Virginity is a Precious Gift to Bring to Your Spouse. Your spouse would appreciate you better if he finds you a virgin; it would be such a precious gift of love and purity to share yourself only with the one you married to. It creates the “one flesh” bond in marriage making it more beautiful and sacred. Perhaps, you are reading this and have erred and no longer a virgin. It’s my pleasure to tell you, it’s ok. God still loves you the way you are and wants you to have a blessed marriage.

All you have to do is to ask for forgiveness and turn away from this sin and God will forgive you. Flee from every appearance of temptation and stop dating because most of the time, dating leads to sex. It’s better and safer to have friendships with like minds in the LORD. Don’t give your heart away to someone who would not value your precious worth! Save yourself for your spouse, and you will be so happy that you did.

  1. Unwanted Pregnancy. Children are beautiful gift from God and everyone needs to experience being a parent at some point in their life. But God does not want us to labor ourselves with the responsibilities of children until we are ready and capable of taking care of them.

Having children out of wedlock is not fair to the child or to you. Getting rid of the pregnancy is not fair to them either. God’s desire is for the singles to abstain sexually and bear children in marriage when they are ready financially, emotionally and spiritually.

  1. Dating results into multiple heartaches. Having sexual intimacy bonds two hearts together in such a way that they become emotionally attached to one another. Majority of the dating relationships are not based on love. Most are in it for what they stand to gain temporarily. Most dating does not lead to a healthy marriage. It leads to heartbreaks. One party can eventually get bored and wants to get out of the relationship. There are too many negative emotions attached to dating. It is God’s will that single people have friendships in the LORD and do not date. Everything sex does not mean love!
  2. Virginity is Cool. Any woman who can remain a virgin until marriage in this present day and age is a courageous and Godly woman. It is not an easy task to stay determined and focused regarding waiting for sex due to so many distractions around. I commend such person on her ability to turn away from what most people around are doing. There is nothing cool about losing your virginity before marriage. You can ask any older woman who has great value – a person who has been there and seen it all, and she will tell you to wait until you are married. This is because, everyone knows that when a young person wants sex before marriage, it’s his/her feeling or desire speaking, there is no real love attached!

As Christians or people of God, we need to concern ourselves with what God wants us to do and not what our friends or anyone asks us to do. If it is against the principles of God, it should not be part of our Christian lives, therefore, we should avoid engaging in such behaviors or conducts.

  1. Sexual Purity is God’s Plan for You. God’s plan for His children is to stay pure for marriage. There are consequences when a person disobeys God’s calling for them. These consequences may be in form of veneral diseases, unwanted pregnancies or emotional attachments that break our hearts. When these things happen, it is not God that is responsible. We are the architects of our own misfortune because of the choices we make in our lives. Let us choose what God wants by praying and seeking after God’s will for our lives.
  2. Diseases. Most of the time when young people engage in premarital sex, they do not really know the person they are being intimate with. The only thing intimate about the relationship is the sexual act. You may not know the parental bloodline? You may not know if the person has a venereal disease or worse? Seriously speaking, having casual sex is very dangerous. Such relationships can cause many kinds of infections and other health ailments.

Single Christian people should learn to wait on God and to wait until they are married before having sex. They must endeavor to have friends based upon the foundations of respect, brotherly and sisterly love. Those who make the best marriage spouses are those who respect you emotionally, physically, sexually, and spiritually.

Dear precious people of God, you must know that the minute you allow your emotions to take over, you will begin to loose respect and real love for each another. God wants you to fulfill your purpose in life. Having sex inappropriately has made many young ones to lose their focus in life.  Let your emotions follow your lead and not the emotions leading your lives! Choose today to abstain from premarital sex!  

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